Woodchurch high school is a very successful, over-subscribed co-educational Church of England school, which strives to live out its vision: ‘let your light so shine before all, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven’

Matthew 5:16


At our school, our vision is rooted in the words of Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

This vision underpins our commitment to Personal Development, inspiring every student to flourish as confident, resilient, and well-rounded individuals who positively impact their communities and the wider world.

We aim to:

  • Develop Character and Values
  • Support Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural Growth
  • Encourage Leadership and Role Modelling
  • Promote Aspirations and Resilience
  • Celebrate Service and Community Contribution
  • Foster a Flourishing Community

Through our curriculum, enrichment opportunities, and pastoral care, we ensure that our students are equipped to thrive academically, socially, and spiritually, embodying the values of our Christian ethos while preparing for life in a diverse and dynamic world.

Implementation Overview

Personal Development Programme: Shining Lights

Each year group follows a pathway toward achieving either a Bronze, Silver or Gold outcome, culminating in an award named after an inspirational Christian figure who embodies our school’s Christian vision and values.

  • Structured by year group themes:
    • Year 7: Florence Nightingale (Humility and Compassion)
    • Year 8: Archbishop of York (Hope and Leadership)
    • Year 9: Corrie ten Boom (Forgiveness and Integrity)
    • Year 10: Mother Teresa (Service and Endurance)
    • Year 11: William Wilberforce (Hope and Justice)
  • Levels of achievement: Bronze, Silver, Gold.

Sequencing and Progressive Principles

This Personal Development Programme is designed to guide students from Year 7 to Year 11 through a structured program of growth and achievement. The plan incorporates participation, contribution, and leadership milestones aligned with the themes of personal, social, spiritual and moral development. Each year features three levels of achievement: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

  • Bronze (All): Focus on participation, trying new things, and building foundational skills.
  • Silver (most can strive for): Emphasize leadership, collaboration, and deeper engagement.
  • Gold (Some will): Challenge students to lead, inspire others, and create lasting impact


  • Develop the whole pupil, rooted in our ethos.
  • Pupils demonstrating resilience, confidence, and moral integrity.
  • Greater engagement with SMSC and British Values.
  • Improved participation in enrichment and service activities.

Shining Lights Programme

Award: Florence Nightingale

Bronze Silver Gold
Charity and Courageous Advocacy Learn about key social issues through assemblies or class projects. Write a simple letter to a local organization expressing support for a cause. Participate in a small group advocacy project (e.g.fundraising for a cause).
Sporting Participate in sports day or inter-form competitions. Attend sports club/ after school event Play in a team in or out of school
Extra-curricular Know which clubs are available to you Attend a school club for a term Attend a school club for more than a term or attend school clubs
Reading and Writing Read an appropriate book independently. Read books from two different genres independently, outside of English lessons Read an approproate book from three different genres.independently, outside of English lessons and write a review for the school library.
Work Related Learning and Careers IAG Complete a self-assessment re: skills and interests in PSHE Attend a Careers Talk re: Further Education Engage with the annual Careers Fair
Speaking and Listening Take part in a group discussion Deliver a presentation or part of one to the class Ask thoughtful questions about a presentation you have heard
Events, Trips and Visits Visit Chester or Liverpool Cathedrals and/or take part in a Christmas or Easter assembly Take a tour around the school Farm and engage with staff on asking key thoughtful questions Attend one local educational trip, visit or community event (e.g., museums, places of worship, library).
Leadership Take part in a teamwork-based activity (e.g.form activity). Lead a small segment of a lesson/responsibility Participate in the peer to peer mentoring scheme.
Arts and Performance Contribute a piece of work (e.g., a drawing, song, or short scene) for a class display, assembly or project Join a creative club (e.g., art, choir, drama), and/or attend the School Production Participate in a public performance (e.g. art exhibition, the school production, an arts showcase or concert)
Competitions Will participate in 100% Club. Take part in a charity competition, e.g., ‘Guess the Square’ Enter a school-level competition (e.g., writing, art contest, Duolingo, sports).

Award: Archbishop of York

Bronze Silver Gold
Charity and Courageous Advocacy Learn about key social issues through assemblies or class projects. Participate in a small group advocacy project (e.g., donating toiletries or fundraising for a cause). Complete a sponsored walk in New Brighton, raising funds for our school charities
Sporting Participate in Sports Day Attend sports club/ after school event Play in a team in or out of school
Extra-curricular Know which clubs are available to you Attend a school club for a term Attend a school club for more than a term or attend school clubs
Reading and Writing Read an appropriate book independently. Read books from two different genres independently, outside of English lessons Read an approproate book from three different genres.independently, outside of English lessons and write a review for the school library.
Work Related Learning and Careers IAG Attend a Careers Talk re: Higher Education Explore Career Options using an online platform Engage with the annual Careers Fair
Speaking and Listening Take part in a group discussion Deliver a presentation to the class Ask thoughtful questions about a presentation you have heard
Events, Trips and Visits Take a tour around the school Farm and engage with staff on asking key thoughtful questions Visit a local educational site (e.g., a museum, library, or historical landmark). Attend specifically one of the following: a Rememberance Service, Holocaust Memorial Workshop, a cathedral, library and complete a reflection task
Leadership Serve as a runner Complete Random acts of Kindness challenge in school Serve as a school ambassador
Arts and Performance Contribute a small piece of work (e.g., a drawing, song, or short scene) for a class display, assembly or project Join a creative club (e.g., art, choir, drama). Participate in a school event, such as a talent show, art exhibition, or group performance.
Competitions Will participate in 100% club. Take part in a charity competition, e.g., ‘Guess the Square’ Enter a school-level competition (e.g., writing, art contest, Duolingo, sports).
Award: Corrie Ten Boom

Bronze Silver Gold
Charity and Courageous Advocacy Learn about key social issues through assemblies or class projects. Participate in a small group advocacy project (e.g., donating toiletries or fundraising for a cause). Lead a small group advocacy project (e.g., donating toiletries or fundraising for a cause).
Sporting Participate in Sports Day Attend sports club/ after school event Play in a team in or out of school
Extra-curricular Know which clubs are available to you Attend a school club for a term Attend a school club for more than a term or attend school clubs
Reading and Writing Read an appropriate book independently, outside of English lessons Read books from two different genres independently, outside of English lessons Read an approproate book from three different genres independently, outside of English lessons and write a review for the school library.
Work Related Learning and Careers IAG Explore Career options as part of the Options Day / Taster Evening process Attend the annual Careers Fair Attend an Enterprise Day
Speaking and Listening Take part in a group discussion Deliver a presentation to the class in two subjects Ask insightful questions about a presentation you have heard
Events, Trips and Visits Attend a Christmas or Easter act of worship/assembly Attend one local educational trip, visit or community event (e.g., museums, places of worship, library). Participate in residential or international trips.
Leadership Help at one of our Open Evenings or other whole school events Participate in the peer to peer mentoring scheme or be a Subject Ambassador Take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award
Arts and Performance Experiment with a new art form (e.g., photography, scriptwriting, or digital art). Attend a whole school arts event (such as an exhibition, performance or concert) Participate in a school event, such as a talent show, art display, or group performance.
Competitions Participate in an Inter Form competition Enter a school-level competition (e.g., writing, art contest, Duolingo, sports). Take part in the MEM Maths Challenge and/or a reginonal competition e.g. Young Writers
Award: Mother Teresa

Bronze Silver Gold
Charity and Courageous Advocacy Actively participate in Equality and Diversity Week by wither producing work in a lesson or reading the displays of excellent work in the foyer. Engage with a whole-school advocacy project (e.g., recycling campaign, equality and diversity event). Participate in a small campaign or event to support a social issue (e.g., organize a charity fundraiser).
Sporting Participate in Sports Day Attend sports club/ after school event Play in a team in or out of school
Extra-curricular Know which clubs are available to you Attend a school club for a term Attend a school club for more than a term or attend school clubs
Reading and Writing Read an appropriate book independently, outside of English lessons Read books from two different genres independently, outside of English lessons Read an appropriate book from three different genres independently, outside of English lessons and write a review for the school library
Work Related Learning and Careers IAG  Undertake a Work Experience Placement Attend the annual Careers Fair Visit a Post-16 Provider
Speaking and Listening Deliver a Spoken Language presentation Deliver a Spoken Language presentation and listen to a podcast relevant to your studies Deliver a Spoken Language presentation and listen to at least 3 podcasts relevant to your studies
Events, Trips and Visits Attend a Christmas or Easter act of worship/assembly Attend one educational trip, visit or community event (e.g., museums, places of worship, library). Participate in residential or international trips.
Leadership Help at one of our Open Evenings, or other whole-school events Be an acting Prefect or a Subject Ambassador Apply to be a prefect
Arts and Performance Contribute to, create or appraise a creative project (e.g. poetry in English, a drama performance, music performance, piece of artwork) Attend a whole school arts event (such as an art exhibition, performance or concert) Participate in a school event, such as a talent show, art exhibition, or group performance.
Competitions Participate in an Inter Form competition Enter a school-level competition (e.g., writing, art contest, Duolingo, sports). Take part in the MEM Maths Challenge and/or a reginonal competition e.g. Young Writers

Award: William Wilberforce

Bronze Silver Gold
Charity and Courageous Advocacy Produce a piece of work, in any subject, which promotes a key social issue. Participate in a small campaign or event to support a social issue (e.g., organize a charity fundraiser). Organize and lead a whole-school advocacy project, collaborating with a local organization/s.
Sporting Participate in Sports Day Attend sports club/ after school event Play in a team in or out of school
Extra-curricular Know which clubs are available to you Attend a school club for a term Attend a school club for more than a term or attend school clubs
Reading and Writing Read an appropriate book independently, outside of English lessons Read books from two different genres independently, outside of English lessons Read an appropriate book from three different genres independently, outside of English lessons and write a review for the school library.
Work Related Learning and Careers IAG Complete the KS4 Careers Work Booklet Attend the annual careers fair Organise and attend a Careers Guidance Interview
Speaking and Listening Deliver a Spoken Language presentation and listen to a podcast relevant to your CAEs Deliver a Spoken Language presentation and listen to a podcast relevant to your CAEs Deliver a Spoken Language presentation and listen to at least 3 podcasts relevant to your CAEs
Events, Trips and Visits Attend an open event / interview, at a post-16 provider Attend one educational trip, visit or community event (e.g., museums, places of worship, library). Participate in Future College, a residential or international trips.
Leadership Help at one of our Open Evenings, or other whole-school events Participate in the mentoring scheme. Serve as a senior leader (e.g., head prefect, student council president).
Arts and Performance Contribute to, create or appraise a creative project (e.g. poetry in English, a drama performance, music performance, piece of artwork) Attend a whole school arts event (such as an art exhibition, performance or concert) Participate in a school event, such as a talent show, art exhibition, or group performance.
Competitions Participate in an Inter Form competition Enter a school-level competition (e.g., writing, art contest, Duolingo, sports). Enter a national level competition (e.g. reading, writing, sporting or performance)