Woodchurch High School, a Church of England academy, has a fully planned and integrated careers education and work related learning programme.

Below are a series of ‘posters’ containing information related to specific jobs.

It is hoped this information will inform pupils regarding:

  • Typical salary ranges
  • Skills requred for the role
  • Experience required for the job
  • Possible qualification at GCSE level and beyond pupils may need to access that particular industry

Information pertaining to jobs / employment can constantly change. Therefore, please ensure you also make use of the online Careers programmes and packages school has purchased. These can be accessed via the Online Programmes ‘tab’.

Getting My First Job

This information booklet gives comprehensive guidance to help you secure a job / employment. Don’t forget to look elsewhere on this site for information relating to CVs, application forms etc. You may also want to make use of the resources on the online programmes and packages we have available, especially Kudos.

Online Programmes

For more specific job related information.