Woodchurch High School, a Church of England academy, has a fully planned and integrated careers education and work related learning programme.
There is an extensive PSHCEE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education) programme.
Careers Education forms a part of this. It is important to note, that Careers Education programme is hugely supplemented and enhanced by the Careers Guidance programme (see other information relating to this aspect of the school’s provision on this site).
An outline plan of the PSHCEE programme can be found below. There is an general overview, Year Group plans and where applicable, schemes of work / learning programmes:
Year 7
Session 1
Lesson Resources and Materials
Year 7 2020-2021
Personal Learning Checklist
Year 7 2020-2021
What is CEIAG?
Year 7 2020-2021
Transferable Skills