Woodchurch High School, a Church of England academy, has a fully planned and integrated careers education and work related learning programme.
Below is a small sample of resources and notes to help you with your Study Skills.
Remember, it doesn’t matter how many applications you make, unless you get the grades they require to access the course, you cannot start it! So doing well at Key Stage 4 is SO IMPORTANT.
You will be given lots of help with study skills, especially in Year 10-11, as well as be given resources from your PPL / APPL, form tutor and subjects teachers.
Getting My First Job
This information booklet gives comprehensive guidance to help you secure a job / employment. Don’t forget to look elsewhere on this site for information relating to CVs, application forms etc.
You may also want to make use of the resources on the online programmes and packages we have available, especially Kudos.
Essay Writing
Study Skills
Online Learning
Study Skills
Critical Reading
Study Skills
Presentation Skills
Study Skills
Study Skills at University
This media clip explores what Study Skills you require when undertaking higher education programmes – that is courses at University.