Investors In People

Woodchurch High School believes that:
All pupils should have full access to the curriculum.
Specialist provision and an appropriate level of support should be available to meet individual needs.
Pupils with Additional Needs are not the responsibility of one department, but of the entire staff.
Early identification of pupils with Additional Needs is essential, beginning with Primary Transition.
Equal Value and Equal Worth
Thorough and careful planning ensures a smooth transition from Primary School for all our pupils. Pupils with Additional Needs are identified and records detailing specific needs/problems are attached to their transfer documents. During their time at Woodchurch High School pupils’ needs continue to be identified using a range of diagnostic tests and by individual subject teachers and benefit greatly from an enhanced transition throughout the child’s time at Woodchurch High this process is ongoing.
When appropriate, external support services and agencies are invited in to give help and support to both staff and pupils to contribute towards pupil progress on an annual basis, any other times of need. All pupils ‘progress is regularly monitored by a number of strategies designed to ensure all pupils reach their maximum potential. Small group tuition is provided in English and Maths during Key Stage 3 and key stage 4. The parents of children with EHCP’s are invited in to discuss their child’s Annual Review and strategies for the future.
Special Educational Needs Offer
Miss F Tynan – SENCO
Mr G Simpson – Social Inclusion Officer
Mrs S Goddard – Home-School Liaison Leader
Mrs B Fitzgerad – Inclusion Administrative Officer
All the above staff can be contacted in the usual way, through the Contacts Page on this website or via the main school switch-board number (0151 677 5257).
Local Offer Wirral
Local Offer Wirral – Providing information for children and young people (0-25 years) with special educational needs and disabilities.
The local offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care as well as information about other local, support services. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.
Local Offer Wirral has been, and will continue to be, developed in partnership with parents, carers, Community Action Wirral, Wirral Family Forum and all service providers. Ensuring that this site provides clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about local provision and how to access it.