“As a Church of England academy you have developed a distinctive ethos, rich in Christian values.”
Investors in People
Regular school attendance, which is defined as attending every day that the school is open, leads to better outcomes. Attending school also improves the life chances of a child, by giving them opportunities to develop socially, morally and spiritually. It is key that we have a positive relationship between school and parents/guardians, to enable our pupils to succeed and reach their full potential.
We look forward to working in partnership with you to improve the school attendance.
Woodchurch High School has an Attendance Team which consists of:
Mr P Smith – Attendance Improvement Lead
Mrs E Jones – Deputy Attendance Improvement Lead
Miss L Malam – Attendance Officer
In addition to this, you can also speak to your child’s Pupil Progress Leader or Assistant Pupil Progress Leader.
Reporting an Absence
Parents/carers should phone school each day by 8.45am, unless the pupil has been advised to remain off school, for a specific period of time. Where this is the case, medical evidence should be provided, so the absence can be authorised. If we do not hear from you, Woodchurch High School will make daily contact via text message or if parents/carers have the app they will get a notification via the app.
Absences can also be reported via email (above) and include the following information:
Pupil name
Tutor Group
Reason for absence
Possible length of time the pupil will be out of school
Leave of Absence
Any period of leave taken without the agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised and may attract sanctions such as an Education Penalty Notice.
Leave of Absence 2024/25
Please use the following link for Leave of Absence during 2024/25 academic year
Attendance Support
All pupils are expected to be at school for 8.45am
Any pupil who arrives between 8.45am and 9.15am, will be marked with a L (Late) code
Any pupil who arrives after 9.15am, will be marked with a U (after registration closure) code
*Please note that 10 combined sessions of O (unauthorised absence) and U (after registration closure) may result in an educational penalty notice.