We Believe An Ordered, Disciplined Atmosphere Is The Best Environment For Learning.


At Woodchurch we have always emphasised the importance of both School and Parents working together in Partnership. We believe that, to provide the best service for your child, a joint commitment to this Home School partnership is essential if each young person is to achieve their full potential.


It is essential, if we are to work together in partnership, that there is trust between home and school. As a school, we believe in keeping parents fully informed about their child’s progress, welfare and behaviour. Throughout the year parents receive a full progress report and a full written report and are invited to attend both a form tutor evening and a full Parents’ Evening. It is seen as essential that all parents take advantage of these opportunities. Other communications will include regular newsletters and end of term letters, plus letters of commendations when a pupil’s progress or behaviour has given us cause for celebration. Similarly parents will be informed at the earliest opportunity when a child is giving us just cause for concern. Parents are encouraged to contact school with any concerns regarding their child’s educational progress. We trust that this working partnership ensures that the service we provide is strengthened by our work with home.

Behaviour and Discipline

Good behaviour is essential if the school is to function as an orderly community and if pupils are to be able to take advantage of the high quality education provided. The school is committed to developing trusting, working relationships with parents and pupils to maintain good behaviour and developing positive attitudes towards school life in general.

The School’s Commitment

We are a compassionate school and strive to have a positive, caring atmosphere where pupils are free to work, learn and make progress.

Governors, Headteacher and Staff are committed to serving pupils to ensure that they all receive a quality education in a compassionate environment which develops a strong sense of social, cultural, moral and spiritual values amongst the pupils by:


Providing the highest standards of teaching using a variety of teaching strategies.


Developing pupils thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills required for adult and working life.


Encouraging attitudes and behaviour which develop compassionate, thankful, trustworthy young people who respect themselves, staff, each other, their community and property; acting with integrity at all times.


Developing the personal qualities, values and talents possessed by our pupils.


Providing and promoting equality of opportunity regardless of gender, race, disability, creed or sexuality.


Promote the school’s Christian values, instilling good morals and values in the pupils.


Building trusting partnerships with parents and the community.


Informing parents regularly regarding the progress of our pupils.


Setting appropriate homework on a regular basis to assist pupils’ learning and to raise standards.


Working with outside agencies for the benefit of our pupils’ academic and pastoral welfare and supporting our pupils who may be experiencing problems.


Developing pupils’ behaviour for learning skills equipping them to be positive, resilient, successful, independent learners.

Parents’ Commitment

For our school to be successful we require you, our parents, to demonstrate your trust and support by ensuring your commitment to:


Supporting the school’s disciplinary procedures by giving full cooperation to all staff within the school and ensuring your child abides by all the school’s rules, including various policies relating to conduct inside and outside the school environment.


Ensuring that your child is punctual for school and attends regularly (97% of the time), informing school about any unavoidable absence as soon as possible and endeavouring not to take holidays during term time.


Providing the necessary uniform and equipment in line with school requirements, ensuring your child is appropriately dressed and ready to learn.


Supporting the school by ensuring that pupils show integrity, displaying the highest standards of behaviour at all times both inside and outside school and not allowing them to become involved in any anti-social behaviour.


Ensuring your child does not lack integrity by behaving at any time in a manner which will bring the good name of the school into disrepute.


Supporting the School’s Homework Policy by ensuring your child completes his/her homework and signing your child’s planner each week.


Informing school of any issues which might affect your child’s progress or behaviour.


Attending progress evenings and information evenings in order to help us ensure your child is making good progress.


Supporting the School’s Christian Ethos and Values.

What is the Woodchurch Agreement?

This agreement between home, school and pupil is vital to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child.

Why is it vital?

We believe that to provide the best service for the child, the support of parents and carers is necessary in all areas of school life. Then, only with the child’s commitment can we look to positive outcomes for the future.

We want to enable pupils to make the most of their God-given gifts, letting their light shine.

The Curriculum

School Commitment
Provide pupils with a relevant, challenging and rigorous curriculum, having the highest standards of planning, preparation and delivery to meet the needs of all pupils through Quality First Teaching
Parent/Carer Requirements

Check and sign planners weekly


Ensure pupils complete homework and independent study and revision as detailed on your child’s area on the Google sites


Ensure that pupils make the most of the materials provided on the school’s Google sites, including asynchronous lessons and revision materials


Attend school events that contribute to your child’s academic and social progress

Pupil Requirements

Follow the Successful Learning Criteria


Complete homework tasks and independent study as logged on your lesson’s Google site


Regularly access the school’s Google sites using revision and asynchronous materials to support learning


Come to school fully equipped with planner and equipment


Attend school events that contribute to your academic and social progress

Behaviour & Discipline

School Commitment

Promote the highest standards of behaviour and discipline using our Successful Learning Criteria and Code Of Conduct


Use the Positive Behaviour System fairly, consistently and compassionately to ensure order in lessons so that pupils can learn


Use a trauma-informed restorative approach when dealing with behaviour issues

Parent/Carer Requirements

Support the school rules and disciplinary procedures as detailed in our Behaviour Policy on the school website


Ensure your child follows our Code of Conduct inside and outside school


Monitor use of pupils on Social Media


Ensure pupils wear the full school uniform at all times as detailed in the uniform guide on the school website; this includes jewellery etc

Pupil Requirements

Following the Successful Learning Criteria and the Code of Conduct


Accept that choices lead to consequences


Use Social Media appropriately and not as a tool for bullying


Wear the correct uniform in school and during the journey to and from school; this applies to jewellery etc

Ethos & Values

School Commitment

Promote our ethos and Christian Values to develop pupils socially and spiritually, instilling good character in all pupils


To communicate in such a way to maintain a positive relationship, demonstrating courtesy and compassion, fostering trust

Parent/Carer Requirements

Support and promote the school’s ethos and Christian Values


Support us in ensuring your child does not behave in a manner that is against our ethos and Christian values


To communicate in such a way to maintain a positive relationship, demonstrating courtesy and compassion, fostering trust

Pupil Requirements

Respect all members of the community and building at all times


Follow and adhere to our Christian Values and use them as a guide to grow morally and spiritually, acting with good character


Behave in a manner to support and promote our ethos in the local community