Woodchurch High School, a Church of England academy, has a fully planned and integrated careers education and work related learning programme.
Paper applications – there are a wide range of post-16 provider application forms in the Careers Library. Once completed, please pass to a member of the Careers Team, who will check the form and forward it, complete with a reference, to the relevant institution.
Online applications – many post-16 providers wish pupils to apply online for the courses and programmes of study they have on offer. If online applications are made, please inform a member of the Careers Team, so a reference can be prepared before it is requested and any intended destination data captured.
If any help or assistance is required with the completion of application forms, please speak to a member of the Careers Team.
Levels of Qualifications – What it Means
Making Applications
Choosing ‘A’ Levels
Mploy - Choosing A Levels
If you are considering applying for A Level courses at one of our local school sixth forms or colleges