A dofe Programme Is A Real Adventure From Beginning To End. It Doesn’t Matter Who You Are Or Where You’re From.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is made up of 4 areas:

01: Volunteering

Undertaking service to individuals or the community. The service carried out can vary from person to person, and also depend upon the needs of the individual or community.

02: Physical

Improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities. This will differ from person to person and depend upon each individual’s ability.

03: Skills

Developing practical and social skills and personal interests. The programmes take between one and four years to complete, and they must be completed by the participant’s twenty-fifth birthday.

04: Expedition

Planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in Wales. To achieve an award, the participant must work on each section for a minimum period of time. Includes a two-day overnight camping expedition.

Meet the Team

Mr Guest – Manager

MISs Joyce – Manager

Mr Hulse
Miss Barney
Mr Stead
Miss Quigley

Miss D Jones

Miss K Jones

Bronze Indicitive Timetable

Name Category of Governor
January Welcome meeting.
February IT session (meet in Hum 4  at 3.15) Online registration
March Practical session 1 – Map Reading & Compass bearings
(Hum 4 at 3.15)

Practical session 2 – Camp Craft (Tents)
(meet in back of sports hall at 3.30)

April IT session 3 (meet in Hum 4 at 3.15) evidence check
May Practical session 3 – Expedition preparation (kit) (Hum 4 at 3.15)
May Evidence support session (Hum 4 at 3.15)
June First Aid (Hum 4 at 3.15)
June Kit check (Hum 4 at 3.15)
June Tents (back of Sports hall at 3.30)
June Practice Expedition 8.00am sports hall
July Evaluation of practice expedition (hum 4 at 3.15)
July Assessment Expedition 8.00am sports hall
July ICT post expedition feedback (Hum 4 at 3.15)

Be part of it!

This year pupils in year’s 9 have the opportunity to be part of the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. If you work hard enough to pass the award, it will go in your record of achievement and is recognised by Colleges and Universities.

A DofE programme is a real adventure from beginning to end. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from. You just need to be in year 9 and realise there’s more to life than sitting on a sofa watching life pass you by.

You’ll enjoy loads of new experiences, discover talents you never thought you had, challenge yourself and meet loads of people just like you. Plus you’ll do things you love and get a kick out of. It’s a real buzz!

Then there’s all the other stuff…

…achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence and a view on life that everyone is looking for, from employers to colleges and universities

…you’re getting recognised for doing things you want to do (and may even be doing already)

…you’ll make a difference to other people’s lives and your community, be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last you a lifetime

…and above all, it’s a great laugh – the question should really be why wouldn’t you bother?


For more information, please see Mr. Guest in Humanities 4

DofE Manager, Mr B Guest

Visit the DOE Website