Offer a strong pastoral support for students and staff
Provide opportunities for reflection
Encourage strong personal relationships
Promote justice, truth and love for all people
Celebrate the diversity within the school family.
“As a school we believe in including our young people in the decision making process and so the Headteacher meets regularly with the School Forum to discuss issues affecting the school.”
Code of Conduct
The code of conduct which operates throughout the school has been drawn up in consultation with pupils and is underpinned by our Christian ethos. It is designed to create an atmosphere in which all pupils can make the best of their abilities and is based on common sense and consideration for others.

In each of our year groups we give opportunities for pupils to apply for the role of Christian Values Rep. These representatives support the work of the chaplaincy team in a variety of ways, and their positions are approved based on their ability to uphold the Christian Values both within and outside of school.
The team works in three main areas: promoting of Christian Values through collective worship, supporting our school’s charities through fundraising (the interact team), and making Jesus known in the school community.
Christian Values Representatives meet regularly and receive relevant training; they are overseen jointly by members of the Chaplaincy Team and a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Vision, Values and Ethos
Ensure everyone feels included in all aspects of school life
Offer a strong pastoral support for staff and pupils
Provide opportunities for reflection
Encourage strong personal relationships
Promote our Christian Values within the life of the school
Celebrate the diversity of our school family
It is the school’s vision that we should let God’s light shine through each of us as we live out our school values as good deeds within the school and local communities. [Our hope is that our local community can also discover what God is like and give Him praise, and that they will find that they can also let God’s light shine through the way they live.]
As a school community our key Christian Values are:
Humility acknowledges that God is God and that we should live in trusting dependence upon God. It is the opposite of pride. It is not the devaluing of ourselves, but choosing to seek the good of others. We are humble when we look to others for guidance rather than assuming “I know best”. “When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honour to others than to yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3)
Justice is about acting out of a concern for what is right and seeing right prevail. It is about social justice, especially for those who suffer most and are least able to protect themselves. In our school we treat people fairly. “The righteous care about justice for the poor.” (Proverbs 29:7)
A feeling of empathy for others leading to a desire to help. We act with compassion towards all members of our school community and seek to show compassion in the wider world.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.” (2 Corinthians 1:3)
We are thankful to God who creates and sustains life. What we have is a gift and not a right. We express our thankfulness to God and to each other.
“Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Christian hope is much more than wishful thinking. It is trusting in God’s character, that what he says will come true. We believe in hope. We hope for things knowing we have done our best to achieve them.
“Let us hole unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23)
Jesus gave the ultimate example of dutiful service believing he was called to serve even to the extent of giving up his life. We do our best and dutifully serve others for the benefit of our school community and the wider world.
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)
Christians believe wisdom can be gained through knowing God and having reverence for him as the source of all wisdom. We strive to encourage wisdom through learning and through understanding people and social interactions. We respect the wisdom of our teachers and leaders.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding.” (Psalm 111:10)
Trust is the very essence of faith; trust in the God who is trustworthy. Trust is important in our relationships in school. We put our trust in our teachers and work at being trustworthy people ourselves. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)
The ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant or painful for a long time. God’s love, mercy, faithfulness and righteousness endure forever.
“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)
Forgiveness is not saying “it doesn’t matter.” God’s forgiveness of us was costly. It is choosing not to hold a grudge and giving another chance. We believe in forgiveness and will seek the help and support we need to move on.
“Bear with each other and force whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13)
Integrity is linked with honesty and moral principles. For a Christian it’s about wanting to act in a way that emulates Jesus Christ and brings glory to God. In school we are honest and keep our word. We choose to do the right thing even when our actions are unseen.
“We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honourably in every way.” (Hebrews 13:18)
“At the end of each year the Interact Team decide which charities we will support as a school and how to divide the money raised between them.”
Staff Perception
It is the school’s vision that we should let God’s light shine through each of us as we live out our school values as good deeds within the school and local communities. [Our hope is that our local community can also discover what God is like and give Him praise, and that they will find that they can also let God’s light shine through the way they live.]
“Thankfulness: I don’t know of any year group who have thanked me more for lessons. Every lesson every day. I think that is what defines you!“
(Mr Williams)
“Compassion: Members of the form showed Compassion towards me in several ways on my first few days. They expressed sympathy when I discussed the sad passing of my Dad (one of the reasons I wished to join our school), and then they fully understood the situation of being new to the school and that they could help me a lot!“
(Mr Young)
“It is close between integrity and trust. But Integrity – there has never been a time that I can recall when any Year 11 pupil has failed to own their choices (eventually for a couple).Integrity buys trust, I suppose.“
(Miss Griffiths)
“I would say Thankfulness. The lovely pupils I teach in your year are always so thankful, say thank you after every lesson, over email, thank you when I’ve given them feedback or extra support, thankful for revision guides and p6 etc.”
(Miss Keegan)
“Compassion – this year group has consistently as a whole displayed and reflected Jesus’ teachings on compassion. This value has been displayed to me with my own year 11 classes but also from assemblies that I have been in and not least the Prefect assembly.“
“I have chosen this value in particular because it represents empathy, kindness and understanding others. This is very evident in the inclusivity of the year group and their desire to support one another to flourish and be the best version of themselves.This is particularly evident during challenging times and times of celebration.“
1 Peter 3:8 “Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” (Leanora Burton)
How the pupils see themselves in relation to our values… what CV defines us as a Year Group, and why?
11XW-11YW – “Endurance: choosing P6 to continue studying Hope (Liv Mearns) we know we have a lot to look forward to – GCSE, Post 16 and we need to do well to get there. Forgiveness (Evie Steen) allowing us to learn how to learn and behave again following lockdowns – Covid.” (Georgina)
11XE – “Endurance: We will need to show this with GCSE exams coming up.” (Ethan)
11XE – “Thankfulness: We have a lot to be thankful for in school.“ (Ian)
11YE – “Endurance: commitment to coming in and getting on with work.” (Freya)
11YE – “Compassion: our understanding of each other and support each other, regardless whether that person is in your friendship group.” (Ellis)
11YS – “Compassion: we are very supportive of each other. We have study groups outside of school that help people in school.“
11YS – “Thankfulness: I don’t know of any year group who have thanked me more for lessons. Every lesson every day. I think that is what defines you!” (Mr W)
11XV – “Compassion: pupils help one another when in need and require assistance.“ (Alicia)
11XV – “Endurance: working well through the exams which was a difficult period even with longer school days (Period 6).“ (Sophie)
11YN – “Endurance: Been through a lot throughout their time in highschool (COVID etc).“ (Sulaiman)
11YN – “Service: Charity work and work for the community (Kissing it better charity) help out a lot in school.” (Tara)
11YN – “Compassion: all get on as a year group and are nice to others and the community.” (Jessica)
11YN – “Trust: At the start of the year not as well behaved but as staff trusted us we have got better as a year group.“ (Hannah)
11YV – “Service: (charity work started by Beth.” (Joel)
11YV – “Integrity: because we are honest.” (Beth and Aimee)
11YV – Compassion: “People have shown him compassion.” (George)
11YV – “Endurance: Whole form for getting through Covid lockdowns and bubbles being sent home.”
11XZ – “Forgiveness: people don’t hold grudges, they carry on being friends.” Lacey)
11XZ – “Hope: Hopeful that all the year group passes GCSE’s and goes on to be happy.” (Ellie)
11XZ – “Integrity: It can be a challenge to come into school but I manage to each day.” (Tameeka)
11XZ – “Endurance: We are all working very hard, educake/revision sessions for exams. James Endurance – Because it is a stressful time but we are staying positive.” (Ruby)
11YZ – “Endurance: as a year group we have gone through a lot whilst at school: e.g. lockdowns and exams.“ (Kayleigh)
11YZ – “Compassion: People help each other out and look out for one another.“ (Amy)
11YZ – “Service: We have done a lot for charity over the years and now we’re in Year 11 I see lots of our year group opening doors for people, helping teachers etc.” (Abigail)
11YZ – “Justice: we often stand up for what is right and have strong beliefs.” (Amy)
11XS – “Justice – stick up for things that are right.” (Tyler)
11XS – “Endurance: working hard for our exams.” (Niall)
11XS – “Service: Helping out in Open evenings, collection for the harvest bags, parents evening, etc.” (Chloe / Niamh)
11XS – “Thankfulness: for the opportunities that WHS has given us.” (Mikey)
11XS – “Trust: For trusting our mentors.” (Chloe)
On-site Chaplaincy Team
Here at Woodchurch High School we have our own on-site Chaplaincy Team, led by Mr Kydd and assisted by the team from St. Mary’s Church in Upton. The Team is appointed and line-managed by the school, with the support of the Diocese of Chester.
The Chaplaincy Team is here to support staff and pupils on their faith journey, and to provide a more informal life-coaching service. Another key role of the chaplaincy is to promote the school’s Christian distinctiveness through its vision, values and collective worship.
The Chaplaincy Team produces the material used throughout the school in acts of Collective Worship, and delivers the acts of worship that take place as a whole year group. The content of all acts of Collective Worship is considered carefully, to ensure relevance and suitability for the ages, aptitudes and backgrounds of all pupils.
You can contact our chaplaincy team via the school email address if you have any further questions or queries.
Courageous Advocacy
At Woodchurch High School we want to teach every child what it means to be a Courageous Advocate. Courageous Advocacy is a long-term legacy, an endowment to future generations. It is about providing our pupils with the opportunities to serve the common good.
As a Christian school family, we seek to follow the example of Jesus in all that we do. We believe that the Sermon on the Mount is a vital chapter in the Bible, teaching us to let the light of Jesus shine through us. We are all God’s children and are called to give glory to our Father in heaven through our good works. This reminds us of the importance of our actions. Our actions allow us to let our light shine. Our actions allow us to share the light of Jesus with those around us, which is why our values are so important.
We want our school to be a beacon of light that shines far and wide, lighting up our region with the light of Jesus through our work and actions. By following our Christian values, by listening to the teachings of Jesus, and by following the example of Jesus, we are letting our light shine. This involves speaking out for justice, compassion and hope and taking action to make positive changes in our community.
At Woodchurch High school we advocate for a school, a community and a world where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.