Pupils in Year 8 are given an opportunity to complete the Archbishop of York Youth Trust Award scheme. We have run this award for a number of years and most of our pupils successfully achieved it. Throughout the year it is hoped that pupils will be involved with personal action projects, school based projects and community challenges.Whilst two units of the award are delivered in lesson time, one unit is co-ordinated by the pupil’s form tutor and includes:
a personal challenge (where the pupil helps someone else – usually outside of school)
a community challenge (where what occurs benefits the local community or charity)
a school challenge (something which benefits our school community)
As a school we will be helping pupils organise their Community and School Challenges within normal school time, however Form Tutors decide with pupils how they can complete their personal challenge – it doesn’t have to be big but does need to show some commitment. For some pupils putting a neighbour’s bin out for them for half a term would be quite a commitment, but for others a helping out in a dance group with younger children would also be suitable. Wherever pupils have a passion or commitment already they could use this to help others to achieve their personal challenge. We are pleased to work with Magenta Living and the Oxton Gateway for a number of our community projects and out pupils have done things from planting bulbs, transforming parks in the north end of Birkenhead through to helping out at nursery’s through to working with residents in a local sheltered accommodation block.
At the end of the academic year we hold our celebration award ceremony where pupils will be given certificates and lapel badges. Parents and carers, as well we other dignitaries will be invited to participate in the events. We have held these events annually.
As well as pupils having the opportunity to support others through this award, one reason that we do these things is that the Bible teaches we should not neglect going good and share what we have, for God is pleased with such actions (Hebrews 13:16). This award helps us partly identify what makes Woodchurch High School a school which has a Christian Ethos, and is caring for others.