Monday 19th June 2023
WHS Sheep Handling Team 2023:

Abbie (Year 7)


Abbie (Year 7)


Oscar (Year 7)


Corey (Year 7)


Will (Year 9)


Ella (Year 9)

In the week beginning Monday 19th June, the WHS Sheep Handling Team had a great Cheshire Show. They camped for two nights (in some horrendous weather). The first day at the show, once our North Ronaldsay sheep had been settled in, the pupils toured the showground. They took a herd of alpacas for a walk. They had great college taster sessions at the Reaseheath stand – including driving on the tractor simulator, experiencing tree climbing. They saw a vast range of farm animals and wildlife. On day two our pupils put on their lab coats and flat caps and did an amazing job showing the school’s sheep – winning lots of rosettes. Highlights: In the Young Handlers Competition Corey came 2nd and Abbie came 3rd (they did really well especially as they were competing against other children from farming families). Oscar and Abbie also won 1st prizes for the Shearling class and Ewe with Lamb at Foot. One of our ewes with her lamb also won the Reserve Champion (2nd best in the whole show)! Also, at the show two past pupils came to say hello – Sophie Tedesco (now 27) is working as a Dairy Herdswoman in Shropshire and Laura Parry (now 21) has just finished her second year at university studying Zoology. Both girls are former WHS Young Sheep Handlers and it was great to see them.