“I Want My Child To Go To Woodchurch High School!” Prospective Parent

In order to effectively deliver its vision, ‘Let your light so shine before all, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven’ (Matthew 5:16), Woodchurch High School has two integrated systems of organisation. One concerns the curriculum and academic work. The second is concerned with the day to day administration and pastoral care. The academic work of the school is organised into curriculum areas. Each is headed by a senior member of staff who is responsible to the Headteacher for the organisation and teaching of a subject or a group of subjects.

Our academic curriculum is organised into curriculum areas. These are:

English: Language and Literature


Science: including Land-Based Studies

Modern Foreign Languages

Humanities (History, Geography and Religious Studies)

Engineering, Creative Arts and Design

Computing and Business Studies

Performing Arts

Physical Education

Additional curriculum subjects outside of the above structures are:

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education

Work Related Learning and Enterprise

Careers Education and Guidance

Relationships & Sex Education

For pastoral purposes the year groups in the school are divided into Lower and Upper School. The Lower School comprises of pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9. The Upper School comprises of pupils in Years 10 and 11.

Each year group is in the charge of a Pupil Progress Leader and an Assistant Pupil Progress Leader. They are responsible to the Head of Pastoral Welfare for the organisation and pastoral care of the year group. Each year is divided into an X and Y band. Pupils are in mixed ability tutor groups of approximately 22 girls and boys.

Each tutor group is registered by their Form Tutor who has responsibility for the group during their five years in the school. This continuity means that parents can develop strong links and foster good relationships with their child’s Form Tutor as well as the Head and Assistant Pupil Progress Leader. In this way all pupils have the benefit of the facilities and curriculum of a large school, and at the same time, enjoy the same supportive organisation associated with a smaller institution.

What makes our school distinctive is our Christian Ethos. It forms the basis of who we are and shapes the day-to-day life of the school. Our Christian values provide us with a means to:
Ensure everyone feels included

Offer a strong pastoral support for students and staff

Provide opportunities for reflection

Encourage strong personal relationships

Promote justice, truth and love for all people

Celebrate the diversity within the school family.