Our aim is to ensure every pupil is given full access to a pe curriculum which will contribute to their physical, mental, social, moral and citizenship development.
Our aim is to ensure every pupil is given full access to a PE Curriculum which will contribute to their physical, mental, social, moral and citizenship development. The department works to develop pupils’ personal qualities such as pride in performance, self confidence, commitment, fairness and respect for other competitors and officials; duties and responsibilities.
Outdoor Education This is included in the Physical Education curriculum for Year 7 and is available through activity clubs which include Orienteering and Development Challenge weekends. Again, these activities are always supervised by fully qualified and experienced staff.

Developing Interpersonal Skills

Our aim is to ensure that every pupil enjoys their PE lessons and is given the opportunity to experience a wide range of sporting activities in a broad curriculum. Pupils will not only improve practically but will also develop their social and emotional wellbeing, improving personal qualities such as pride in their performance, competitiveness, endurance, respect and self-confidence and esteem. The PE curriculum allows pupils to experience a wide range of sports. Pupils complete half-termly activity blocks in the following areas; Fun Club, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Outdoor Education, Tag Rugby, Softball, Volleyball, Fitness, Netball, Rounder’s, Rugby and Trampolining. There is an extensive extra-curricular programme that allows pupils to participate recreationally or competitively and represent the school in local, regional and national fixtures. The PE department organise a number of residential and sporting enrichment trips to further enhance the experiences that can be gained such as: Professional fixtures to watch: Cheshire Phoenix Basketball, Sale Sharks Rugby, England Netball, Women’s Football, British Gymnastics, Wimbledon and Dance Performances. Sports Tours: Netball and Football, Ski Trip, New York Dance and Art Trip. Outdoor Education: Year 7 Conwy Trip, Year 9 Oakland’s, Year 10 Camp and Canoe River Expedition, Year 10 Welsh Peaks Mountain Challenge. For pupils who show outstanding commitment to sport and represent the school in three or more activities they are awarded Junior/Senior Sporting Colours, and for those students who have excellent leadership skills in PE, pupils can also be nominated as a PE ambassador to support local primary school sports festivals