
Dear parents and carers
I am delighted that you are considering Woodchurch High School for your child. We are a very successful 11-16 co-education Church of England Academy with over 1,400 pupils on roll, supported by approximately 120 teaching and 130 support staff, resulting in small class sizes and greater personalisation of learning.
Woodchurch High School is an extremely popular school, attributable to its ‘Established Excellence’ in every aspect; including leadership and management, pupil progress and attainment. This excellence has been nationally recognised, as evidenced through our numerous external awards. In addition, there is an ordered, disciplined environment, and extremely positive relationships within the school, and with parents / carers and the local community.
At Woodchurch High School, we always place pupils at the centre of all we do and this has been reflected in all our Ofsted Inspection reports.
Pupils said that they feel safe and happy in school. Pupils are supportive of one another. They said that bullying is rare. If it does happen, it is dealt with effectively.
Woodchurch High School is committed to providing the best possible education for all our pupils and we work in partnership with parents to achieve this goal.
Success in public examinations is important, as these are the qualifications which are required for further and higher education, as well as for employment opportunities. Our excellent results and the improvements we have sustained in recent years reflect our ability to successfully prepare our pupils for the next phase of their lives. Our pupils make excellent progress, regardless of their starting point; they tell the staff that they like their school and are proud to be part of Woodchurch High School.
To ensure that all our pupils succeed, an extensive enrichment programme is provided including a breakfast club and homework clubs. Throughout the year, there are additional lessons at lunchtime and after school. We have also more recently introduced our hugely successful Saturday College and also hold Easter and Summer Schools. All this underlines the emphasis we put as a school on ensuring pupil progress.
We are extremely proud to be an inclusive school, able to meet the needs of pupils with a physical and / or medical impairment, in addition to catering for pupils with Asperger’s Syndrome and Autistic Spectrum Condition.
You are more than welcome to visit the school on a normal working day. Please contact the school and appropriate arrangements will be made for myself, or my senior staff, to welcome you to the school and show you the quality provision we offer. We look forward to meeting you and your child in the near future.

Mr M Canham