Woodchurch High School Is A Very Successful, Over-Subscribed Co-Educational Church Of England School, Which Strives To Live Out Its Vision: ‘Let Your Light So Shine Before All, That They May See Your Good Works, And Glorify Your Father Which Is In Heaven’
Matthew 5:16
Have a Safeguarding concern?
In our community, we believe pupils should always feel safe and happy and never feel threatened or endangered in any way. To this end, if you have a concern regarding a pupil who attends Woodchurch High School then please use the below button and our Safeguarding Team will follow this up as soon as possible.

Contact our Team
Mr P Joplin
Our school will prevent and respond to abuse and neglect by ensuring that the ethos and atmosphere of the school is conducive to a safe environment. Pupils and parents/carers will feel supported and able to report safeguarding concerns to any member of staff. Staff will feel they are supported by colleagues and the senior management team, including the governing body, and are able to report and seek advice and guidance on any safeguarding concerns, including those regarding colleagues or themselves.

Respect Democracy
As part of our safeguarding ethos, we encourage children to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We will ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject in the school and where political issues are brought to the attention of the pupils, reasonably practicable steps will be taken to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views to pupils. We will ensure that reasonable steps are taken to ensure visitors to the school do not share messages with the school community which are contrary to our school ethos and beliefs.
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and, as such, this policy applies to all staff and volunteers working in the school. An allegation, disclosure or suspicion of abuse, or an expression of concern about abuse, could be made to any member of staff, not just those with a teaching or welfare-related role. Similarly, any member of staff may observe or suspect an incident of abuse.
Safeguarding Advice and Guidance for Parents
Local Authority Safeguarding Website
Suicide Prevention Support
Online Safety
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence and Peer Abuse
We are the first high school on the Wirral to be awarded the Well Being Kite mark because of our Well-Being Provision.
A folder of Mindfulness activities
A folder with simple Well Being activities to work through
All about Ask WESS and Ask WESS Live
A sheet on how to cope with suicidal thoughts
Little Bubbles of affirmation to make you feel better
A checklist for your mental health – how are you doing?
A Safety Plan you can produce to help you if you are really down
Ten Tips for positive wellbeing!